Whole Foods Plant Based Team Search
Background and vision: Find Chief Chef and/or General Manager whose personal life style and passion is whole foods plant based for you and your family. Create "Garden of Eden" delights with first fast casual sit down drive thru restaurant revolution startup in Green Bay Appleton, Wisconsin
In 1990's two blocks from work a Five Star gourmet 100% whole foods restaurant opened. One table filled up with Green Bay Packers who understood what fuels your engine's engine's health and performance is what you eat. They were packed immediately. Husband and wife were genius Chef's constantly adding new flavor delights, soon buying DePere's 1930's Post Office going into massive debt gutting the building for large new restaurant. Without business, marketing plan, they soon closed to the astonished sadness of their loyal customers. All these years wanted to recreate this restaurant with drive through, fresh juices, shakes and wheat grass like Jamba juice, salads like Sweet Green, noodles dishes, soups and deserts marrying gourmet with drive thru for fast paced society. New dishes each month from different country or region.
If you're close enough to Green Bay or able to relocate as successful restaurant Chef or manager we can be first quick service competing with the giant chains who are adding no meat items but all with fake processed ingredients and animal products, not one 100% whole foods. As former science health teacher decades ago, watched US health decline with giant food and drug companies ignoring science for selling junk food. US and New Zealand are only major counties allowing pharmaceuticals to advertise drugs with deadly side effects. Until Covid, Rx drugs properly prescribed property taken were third leading cause of death after heart and cancer disease along with hospital mistakes. Animal based diet and current farming destroys topsoil, the ocean and large part of global warming and ego systems.
Healthy food is well described by Tom Brady's former Chef, Allen Campbell, trained at the Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, an online Cornell University non-profit teaching 100% whole foods courses. Hippocrates, considered one of the greatest physicians whose oath every new MD takes ignores that he taught "eating animal products causes inflammation and disease," "your food is your medicine and your medicine is your food."
Join me in taking our "bite out of this Apple." The 1,000 mile journey starts with the first step. What creativity can you bring to this endeavor?
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